Fotos BMW anuncia sus sistemas de carga inductiva.

Tema en 'BMW Serie i y PHEV' iniciado por Gus, 8 Jul 2014.

  1. Gus

    Gus Tali-bahn Administrador Coordinador

    28 Ene 2002
    Me Gusta:
    A 1800 kms del Ring
    Ya en enero de 2011 la noticia del acuerdo con Siemens saltó a los medios.....

    ...pero ahora ya hay nota e imágenes oficiales, del "next step". Algunos dicen que la siguiente generación de "i" lo tendrá ya disponible.








    Official Release: Driving pleasure and sustainability are fused together in unprecedented fashion in the all-electric BMW i3 and the BMW i8 plug-in hybrid sports car. Their high-voltage batteries can be recharged quickly and easily by means of the BMW i Wallbox that forms part of the 360° ELECTRIC portfolio. This sophisticated charging station with fast-charge facility for feeding cars with power either at home or at work underlines the all-embracing approach adopted by the BMW i brand when it comes to developing products and services for sustainable mobility of premium calibre. In the process, the BMW Group has assumed a pioneering role in this field and is therefore pressing keenly ahead with the development of innovative technologies for making driving with zero tailpipe emissions more and more attractive. Systems for inductive charging of high-voltage batteries are the next step forward for energy supply. The development objective in the medium term is to put reliable, non-wearing and user-friendly solutions for inductive charging into production that have been tailored to both the batteries in the BMW i cars and the high-voltage batteries in future plug-in hybrid models from the BMW Group.

    The crucial advantage of inductive power supply over conventional charging stations is the cable-free connection between the supply point and the vehicle’s high-voltage battery. Carmakers Daimler and the BMW Group have signed an agreement on the joint development and implementation of a standardised technology for inductive charging of electric cars and plug-in hybrid vehicles. The system consists of two components: a secondary coil in the vehicle floor as well as a base plate with integral primary coil that is located underneath the car, for example on the garage floor. The arrangement of the coils, and consequently of the field pattern, is based on a design derived from their circular shape that offers a number of crucial benefits. These include the extremely compact and lightweight construction along with effective spatial confinement of the magnetic field. The electrical energy is transmitted via an alternating magnetic field generated between the coils, contact-free, without charging cables and at a charging rate of 3.6 kW. With an efficiency factor of over 90 percent, this method enables the high-voltage batteries in vehicles to be charged efficiently, conveniently and safely.

    The inductive charging facility can be used regardless of the weather conditions. Not even rain or snow has a negative effect on the power feed as all of the system’s conductive components are protected, which means the primary coil can even be installed outdoors. During charging, ambient electromagnetic radiation is also kept to an absolute minimum. The space between the primary and secondary coils is permanently monitored, allowing charging to be halted instantly if any foreign bodies are detected.
    As with today’s BMW i Wallbox, the inductive power supply systems of the future will also make it possible to activate and monitor the charging process from a smartphone. The relevant smartphone app will let drivers call up the data transmitted online on the battery’s charge status, for instance, or the time remaining until charging is complete.
    A Mauricio Palacios. MD y antuan les gusta esto.
  2. AlfredoSola

    AlfredoSola En Practicas

    13 May 2014
    Me Gusta:
    Pues a mí no me gusta.

    Ya con las optimistas cifras del artículo, el 10% de la energía bye-bye. La pérdida en un cable no llegará al 1%.

    Todo alrededor, hasta arriba de contaminación electromagnética. Equipos electrónicos volviéndose locos cuando el coche tiene que cargar. Acumulación de resíduos férricos. Etc.

    Llevar el cable hasta el punto de carga. Por el suelo. Que generalmente está blandito como para meter un tubo de 30 mm con ciertas garantías de integridad.

    Y todo eso, ¿para qué?¿Para no enchufar un cable?

    Yo mi próximo i3 (o lo que sea) irá con cable, gracias.
    A gataka y antuan les gusta esto.
  3. antuan

    antuan Clan Leader

    19 Jul 2007
    Me Gusta:
    En efecto la carga conductiva es más eficiente, tiene menos pérdidas por lo que una misma batería se carga antes, al estar menos tiempo enchufado es menos costoso,,, pero un 10% frente a un 1% no es tanto como para despreciar las ventajas de la carga inductiva. Aunque ese 90% me parece un rendimiento muy optimista..

    La carga inductiva como sabéis lleva décadas empleándose con aquellos aparatos que han de estar sellados del exterior, por ejemplo los cepillos dentales eléctricos. Al no quedar conductores expuestos, se reduce a cero la posiblidad de cortocircuitos/descarga eléctrica accidental.

    En un coche que se carga con cable dicho riesgo es reducido pero podría ocurrir, por bien guardado que esté en el garage. En cambio con carga inductiva no pasaría,,, así que supongo que tirarán del argumento "seguridad en tu hogar" para colártelo como imprescindible...
    A Gus y AlfredoSola les gusta esto.
  4. Gus

    Gus Tali-bahn Administrador Coordinador

    28 Ene 2002
    Me Gusta:
    A 1800 kms del Ring
    Ah qué bien visto ;)
    Aunque la comodidad de llegar y meramente "situarse sobre" tambien influya, creo me ocurren múltiples ejemplos de sobreprecios por pura comodidad.
    A antuan le gusta esto.

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