Noticia Prueba M4 GTS en 8000vueltas: brutal.

Tema en 'Foro General BMW' iniciado por Gus, 9 Ene 2017.

  1. Gus

    Gus Tali-bahn Administrador Coordinador

    28 Ene 2002
    Me Gusta:
    A 1800 kms del Ring
    Tremendo, casi he pasado miedo :LOL:

    "Si miramos atrás en el tiempo y recordamos los famosos grupo B vienen a nuestra mente, rodeadas de nostalgia, palabras como salvaje, brutal, indomable o peligroso. No se me ocurre un coche que haya probado este año al que se le puedan aplicar estos adjetivos con más derecho. El M4 GTS es uno de esos coches capaz de emocionar, de arrancarte un grito vikingo después de un tramo de montaña por culpa de la adrenalina acumulada en tu cuerpo. Tiene un chasis tan afilado y rápido de reacciones que un error puede salir muy caro incluso con los controles conectados, la entrega de potencia es tan brutal que ni si quiera las mejores ruedas del mercado pueden digerirla, la estética hace que la gente se lleve las manos a la cabeza por la calle, el escape consigue que las alarmas de los coches se disparen dentro de los aparcamientos. Es un coche tan difícil que en ocasiones da miedo, un coche que ni de lejos todo el mundo puede llevar rápido."

    Aún recuerdo la discusión por el alerón ;):


    "En este caso, el GTS se diferencia del M4 normal en un spoiler delantero que puede configurarse en dos posiciones, Street (calle) y Race (circuito) y un alerón trasero regulable en 3 posiciones: Street, Race 1 y Race 2. En sus posiciones más extremas, a una velocidad de 300 Km/h, el labio delantero produce 30 Kg de carga aerodinámica y el alerón trasero 95 Kg. En el manual de usuario del coche se especifica que si el labio delantero está en posición Race, el alerón trasero debe estar, al menos, en posición Race 1, de lo contrario el balance aerodinámico se ve alterado pudiendo hacer un coche peligroso."
    Llavona, rotondator, MigYecla y 15 otros les gusta esto.
  2. *NANO*

    *NANO* Clan Leader

    27 Ene 2007
    Me Gusta:
    Madre mía con el GTS. Salvaje, brutal... me lo podía esperar, pero lo de peligroso me parece exagerado. Será peligroso si se lleva de forma inadecuada o si lo lleva gente poco experimentada.
    A Till y Gus les gusta esto.
  3. *NANO*

    *NANO* Clan Leader

    27 Ene 2007
    Me Gusta:
    Por cierto, ¿sabéis de alguien que lo haya catado?
  4. jangel

    jangel Clan Leader Coordinador

    15 Dic 2002
    Me Gusta:
    Onvre con 7,28 era de esperar
    Aunque si nos fijamos en los tiempos al loro con el alfeta :smuggrin:
  5. Wasp

    Wasp Forista

    16 May 2010
    Me Gusta:
    All over
    La pregunta es.....realmente vale lo que cuesta? biggrin
  6. antuan

    antuan Clan Leader

    19 Jul 2007
    Me Gusta:
    Uy cuidao que se torna peligroso!! No es para menos, el spoiler frontal sí es realmente útil.

    Ni las mejores ruedas digieran esa potencia.... tracción total, algún día?
    Última edición: 9 Ene 2017
  7. *NANO*

    *NANO* Clan Leader

    27 Ene 2007
    Me Gusta:
    Sí, al igual que los 4 cilindros.
  8. exploxivo

    exploxivo Forista

    27 Ene 2006
    Me Gusta:
    Estas crónicas con tanto detalles en cuanto a sensaciones te hace sentirte dentro del reportaje. Mucho mejor que solo hablar de datos y cifras.

    Se ve que una puesta a punto hace maravillas en un coche así. Porque en peso no ha bajado nada.
    Adricoski, Navero, Gus y otra persona les gusta esto.
  9. Gus

    Gus Tali-bahn Administrador Coordinador

    28 Ene 2002
    Me Gusta:
    A 1800 kms del Ring
    ...para mi, sin duda, y para otros, seguro que no...

    Creo que esa pregunta es posible hacérsela de cualquier coche excepto del más barato del mercado. Y la respuesta está más en el comprador que en el propio producto (como cualquier otro coche)
    toletum_s3, Adricoski, Wasp y otra persona les gusta esto.
  10. topegun

    topegun Clan Leader

    6 Oct 2005
    Me Gusta:
    territorio comanche
    Ojalá más marcas hiciesen lo mismo, deportivos a la antigua, de los que pocos puedan sacarle el 80℅ de partido y no que cualquier pelagatos con cartera abultada (o hijos a quien pasar las letras del crédito) lo lleve por la calle de terrazas o a la discoteca de turno......

    Enviado desde mi A0001 mediante Tapatalk
    Andree_Kostolany, Kaiser-x, Navero y 4 otros les gusta esto.
  11. Gus

    Gus Tali-bahn Administrador Coordinador

    28 Ene 2002
    Me Gusta:
    A 1800 kms del Ring
    Estaba pensando en eso. Parecen impresiones tras probar un auténtico coche sin cortapisas (y el tiempo que cita lo confirma): no me cabe duda que una versión de tracción total podría ser más rápida frente al crono y más conducible... pero quien quiere eso tiene otras opciones...
    josete_perez, otorre, Navero y 2 otros les gusta esto.
  12. Spidiman

    Spidiman Clan Leader Miembro del Club

    17 Jun 2012
    Me Gusta:
    e61 530i
    Unete a BMW FAQ Club Unete a BMW FAQ Club Unete a BMW FAQ Club
    Vaya, pues parece que el GTS los tiene bien puestos. No es ni de lejos un M4 normal reprogramado con un par de alerones y llantas molonas, aunque eso ya lo sabíamos por aquí.

    Tizon, Navero, *NANO* y otra persona les gusta esto.
  13. topegun

    topegun Clan Leader

    6 Oct 2005
    Me Gusta:
    territorio comanche
    Efectivamente, yo no quiero ir 0,756" más rápido y hacer un cambio de marcha en 0,04" más rápido, sólo quiero bajarme con una sonrisa de oreja a oreja aún yendo 1' más lento y en mis posibilidades utilizar sólo el 80℅ del coche y estar más pendiente de no metermelo por sombrero si me despisto que no de poder acelerar a fondo sin complicaciones.

    Eso un coche moderno no me lo transmite y por desgracia sólo lo encuentro en un clásico.

    El exceso de seguridad actual ha creado verdaderas bestias sin alma.

    Enviado desde mi A0001 mediante Tapatalk
    Tizon, Navero, raiban y otra persona les gusta esto.
  14. julfost

    julfost Clan Leader Miembro del Club

    29 Ago 2009
    Me Gusta:
    Unete a BMW FAQ Club Unete a BMW FAQ Club Unete a BMW FAQ Club
    ¡¡Qué excesivo!!

    Esa exclamación es un preludio de lo que puede dar de si semejante coche ;)
    Última edición: 9 Ene 2017
    A Navero y Gus les gusta esto.
  15. Gus

    Gus Tali-bahn Administrador Coordinador

    28 Ene 2002
    Me Gusta:
    A 1800 kms del Ring
    La peguita de los dos botones con uno "vacío" entre medias a mi si me ha matado, dado el enfoque del coche , la verdad. Si eso es todo lo que se puede criticar.... ;)
    A spidiman le gusta esto.
  16. JordiR.

    JordiR. Forista

    11 Jun 2012
    Me Gusta:
    M3 | 821
    A mi me gustaría saber la carga aerodinámica que genera el horroroso alirón trasero y el cognazo de spoiler delantero a una velocidad "normal" de curva en circuito, digamos...qué carga aporta entre 100 y 200km/h por ejemplo... porque saber que el alerón te aporta 95kg a 300km/h está genial pero no me imagino con este coche en qué circuitos vas a conseguir esas velocidades...

    La realidad es que creo que esos aditamientos aerodinámicos no aportan absolutamente nada en velocidades por debajo de los 150km/h y tengo serias dudas de que por debajo de 200km/h aporten algo significativo. Quizás los pongan por "moda" o para parecer algo más de lo que realmente es, pero creo que harían bien en trabajar mejor los bajos del coche, conseguir que el aire pase más rápido por debajo que por encima del mismo sin necesidad de "cortar" el flujo con aleronacos y spoilers naranjas...que ni chicha ni limoná. Y si te lías, hazlo bien con una buena barra de bar tipo GT3 RS.
    A hector8 y *NANO* les gusta esto.
  17. topegun

    topegun Clan Leader

    6 Oct 2005
    Me Gusta:
    territorio comanche
    Te puedo hablar sólo de lo que conozco, en mi coche por ejemplo puedes montar el labio delantero sin el alerón pero Porsche prohíbe montar el alerón trasero sin el labio.

    Yo cambié el alerón trasero ( turbo) al original cola de ballena y el coche se movía más en línea recta y lo note mucho hasta que ya me he acostumbrado pero si, parece mentira pero se nota (si está bien hecho, claro)....

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    A MiniFER le gusta esto.
  18. MiniFER

    MiniFER Vicepresidente Ejecutivo Miembro del Club

    18 Jul 2006
    Me Gusta:
    5 miles out
    Lockheed SR-71
    Unete a BMW FAQ Club Unete a BMW FAQ Club Unete a BMW FAQ Club
    La aportación en carga aerodinámica (a alta velocidad) de cualquier apéndice es sorprendente. Todavía recuerdo el desarrollo del pequeño spoiler posterior para el primer Seat Córdoba o el spoiler del primer Audi TT, éstos marcaban la diferencia entre ir sujeto o no yendo a fondo.

    Sobre el M4, es una puñetera pasada, pero es un producto al alcance de pocos por precio y de muy pocos para sacarle provecho. Futuro clásico cuando los M vuelvan a los 4 cilindros, que es donde empezaron, no lo olvidemos ni aquí ni en los Porsche 718.
    Para mi, es más que suficiente el M4 'normal' con algunas chucherías y configuración a mi gusto. Entiendo que la aerodinámica tiene más sentido en pista que en la calle, donde me parece excesiva, pero no es discutible en un modelo tan especial.
    A hector8 y jangel les gusta esto.
  19. JordiR.

    JordiR. Forista

    11 Jun 2012
    Me Gusta:
    M3 | 821
    Y me lo creo. Pero en este caso el M4 "a secas" no se mueve demasiado en linea recta (o no he leído críticas en ese aspecto..), y 95kg a 300km/h pues hombre...tampoco es para tirar cohetes, está claro que se nota pero esa carga la puedes conseguir con un buen fondon plano, ferrari por ejemplo lleva décadas consiguiendo que sus coches vayan bien sin recurrir a alerones tan ridículos como el del M4...y cuando meten un alerón...lo hacen para ganar realmente se si me explico, quiero decir que me parece muy pobre el resultado en el M4 a cambio de romper la preciosa linea del coupé.
    A julfost le gusta esto.
  20. jangel

    jangel Clan Leader Coordinador

    15 Dic 2002
    Me Gusta:
    a nivel estetico no entro
    pero si chucherías te refieres a más prestaciones...
    no las siquiera los frenos de carbono, que seria lo único que dude en su momento
    A MiniFER le gusta esto.
  21. Panda

    Panda Forista Legendario

    23 Dic 2010
    Me Gusta:
    E82 120d
    Portentoso. No hay nada como leerse un texto así antes de ponerse a estudiar jajajajaja MIL gracias.

    He visto vídeos de gente rellenando el depósito de agua con una botella de mineral... ya me imaginaba que sería destilada para evitar impurezas y metales, pero supongo que la peña estará loca jajajaja.
    Increíbles las configuraciones de suspensión y del labio frontal y alerón(que para mas inri van en sintonía)... me parece alucinante todo en este coche.
  22. topegun

    topegun Clan Leader

    6 Oct 2005
    Me Gusta:
    territorio comanche
    Bueno, cada fabricante llega a sus objetivos de la manera que mejor crea, de todas formas el alerón es pequeño para lo que se estilaba en la época si lo comparamos con algo similar, acuérdate del Sierra cosworth mk1.... Por poner un ejemplo. No se cuántos kilos de carga tendrá ese alerón la verdad....

    Enviado desde mi A0001 mediante Tapatalk
    A JordiR. le gusta esto.
  23. MiniFER

    MiniFER Vicepresidente Ejecutivo Miembro del Club

    18 Jul 2006
    Me Gusta:
    5 miles out
    Lockheed SR-71
    Unete a BMW FAQ Club Unete a BMW FAQ Club Unete a BMW FAQ Club
    Me refiero a ornamentos o aligerar algo de peso como pasatiempos, evidentemente, es un coche que me sobrepasa muchísimo por prestaciones.
    A jangel le gusta esto.
  24. Spidiman

    Spidiman Clan Leader Miembro del Club

    17 Jun 2012
    Me Gusta:
    e61 530i
    Unete a BMW FAQ Club Unete a BMW FAQ Club Unete a BMW FAQ Club
    Si, son detallitos chorras que cuando estás a lo que estás, que es peleándote con el coche, ni te das cuenta. Pero haciendo la reflexión del periodista coincido en que... ¡c**o, habéis sido capaces de hacer semejante maquinón adrenalítico, poco cuesta una consola a medida para un coche de ese calibre! No desmerece en absoluto, ese coche no es para apreciarlo por dentro, pero es que hablamos de que con haberle dado una utilidad, la que fuera, pintando algún simbolillo, ya estaba. Y más en una situación tan visible como tiene esa botonera.

    Pero bueno, que me lo den tal cual y ya pinto algo con tippex :LOL:
    A Navero le gusta esto.
  25. Gus

    Gus Tali-bahn Administrador Coordinador

    28 Ene 2002
    Me Gusta:
    A 1800 kms del Ring
    Yo debo ser un cacho carne con volante: el M3 E92 , de enfoque mucho más burgués, venía con el botón de la suspensión electrónica asi (simple tapa) y de hecho solo cometí dos o tres intentos de suicidio por eso :LOL:

    No se, es que lo veo hasta bien disimulado :nose:
    A spidiman le gusta esto.
  26. weilor

    weilor En Practicas

    6 May 2015
    Me Gusta:
    E46/RS frances
    Vale 170.000 leuros. Ni en 4 vidas me lo podría permitir, si pudiera pagarlos me gastaba otros 50.000 mortadelos en cursos de conducción, o el primer día pruebo como van los arneses y la jaula de seguridad fijo. Demasiado para mi body, jode pero quien pudiera, mañana hecho el euromillon y eso si que es fijo, quiero uno.;)
    Tizon, Pellus, jangel y otra persona les gusta esto.
  27. jangel

    jangel Clan Leader Coordinador

    15 Dic 2002
    Me Gusta:
  28. cybermad

    cybermad Clan Leader

    11 Feb 2008
    Me Gusta:
    más p'allá que p'acá
    Z3 2.8 / GR86
    No se si habeis visto el supertest de sport auto y la comparativa con el 911 GT3 :finga:



    A mid-class coupé that can be used to attack real Porsche 911 GT3 and Nissan GT-R sports cars? Is not it? With the 500 bhp strong M4 GTS, BMW has succeeded in a grandiose way.

    Plagiarisms often excite the minds in the automobile industry - in the case of the current supertest, a plagiarism would even be highly desirable, at least as far as the number sequence "seven, two, eight" is concerned. In 7.28 minutes, BMW test and development driver Jörg Weidinger rushed the BMW M4 GTS at the end of September 2015 over the Nordschleife. Since then, the fan community has been celebrating the new Über-BMW. It is time to check the potential of the special model, limited to 700 copies, in the Supertest.

    Visually missing the new wing hero from Garching really only the starting numbers and sponsor stickers, then the illusion of the racing car with road admissions would be perfect. Crappy, clack, pull the lever twice in the driver's foot space, and the bonnet bounces rattling. Even the rattling when opening reveals: This is not an ordinary hood. Compared to the 11.3 kilo heavy-duty M4 series of aluminum, the GTS's CFK component saves another three kilos with a weight of 8.2 kilos. One-way down again and then casual? This should be avoided with the GTS hood - because of the thin wall thickness, the CFRP hood immediately after too much pressure.

    Not only the bonnet is made of the carbon-fiber reinforced plastic. The front splitter, the roof, the tailgate and the rear wing as well as the rear diffuser are made of the light composite material. The new exhaust system also saves a further six kilos with a titanium rear silencer.

    "Lightweight construction in the hiding place", BMW calls the instrument panel "Tragrohr" and the one-piece articulated shaft, which is to be optimized again in comparison to the version in the previous M3 / M4 generations. Both are also made of CFK.

    Grandios, despite 1601 kilograms
    And the detailed work in terms of weight reduction continues in the interior as well. Two M-specific Recaro sports seats with carbon shells save around 24 kilos compared to the conventional M4 sports seats. In addition, the back seat system is not applicable in the GTS.

    Instead, the view here is a new panel of GRP material and a luggage compartment partition in carbon sandwich construction. By eliminating the seats in the rear, the weight is again reduced by eight kilos. In addition, there is a modified center console, which saves two kilos compared to the M4 serial component. Fast Rennsportflair is the result of the new door linings, whose material from renewable raw materials only insiders at first sight with the interior equipment of the BMW eco-mobile i3. More importantly: the new door panels with door pull loops save the usual handles save six kilos.

    "Intelligent lightweight construction, consistently implemented," promises BMW in the press kit. Sounds good, but there is already a bit of disappointment, as the M4 GTS with the experts of "Müller tests" on the wheel load scale rolls. In addition to the power measurement and wheel alignment, the weight of all super-test vehicles is also determined. The hardcore M4 weighs 1601 kilograms with a full 60-liter tank and is only 14 kilograms lighter than the "normal" M4 (Supertest 7/2014).

    BMW figures the weight reduction to 60 kilos. On the other hand, however, there is an increase in the weight of the GTS by new components (water injection, aerodynamic parts, larger dimensioned wheel-tire combination, suspension parts) of 30 kilos. In fact, the weight reduction compared to an M4 Coupé with DKG 30 kilos. The Supertest GTS is only 14 kilos lighter, with the optionally installed Clubport package (overbrakes, six-point belts, fire extinguishers).

    On the subject of weight, the M4 GTS also suffers from its relatively heavy quad-base. If the M engineers had been able to start on a white sheet of paper, the new over-BMW would certainly have become much easier. As with other manufacturers, however, the BMW Sportdependance also has to make the best of what it is expected from series production.

    A look at the test archive shows, however, that the previous models of the M4 GTS have saved even more weight against their respective base. The BMW M3 GTS of the E92 series weighed with 1546 kilos just under 100 kilos less than the E92 M3 Coupé with DKG (1640 kg). The sacred BMW E46 M3 CSL with a full tank weighs 1421 kilos, which corresponds to a weight saving of almost 150 kilos (M3 E46 with SMG: 1570 kg). The diet program was significantly more moderate compared to the predecessors of the M4 GTS. Here we would have wished for more.

    500 hp with water injection
    On the way to the fastest production BMW ever, it must then just the combination of chassis and modified biturbo engine S55B30 direct. Start button

    The three-wheel-mounted six-cylinder engine is even brighter than the 431 horsepower M4 output base. The GTS unit carries a new water injection and has a rated output of 500 hp, which is reached at 6250 rpm (M4: 431 hp at 5500 rpm). My favorite kit in the manual: "When the engine is cold, the exhaust system has a light metallic finish due to the system." Oh yes, even if the M-Suction-engine helmets remain unmatched, the GTS sounds much better than the M4 off the rack.

    During the warm-up phase, we briefly look at the water injection technology. Three water injectors are installed in the air collectors of the in-line cylinder, through which water is injected as a fine spray mist and which supply two cylinders in each case. During evaporation of the water, the combustion air is additionally cooled.

    Thanks to the cooler combustion air, the engine control can be optimized and a torque increase can be achieved. The system is fed with distilled water in the luggage compartment via a five-liter water tank. After the ignition is switched off, the water from the system is pumped back into the water tank. GTS drivers should therefore not be surprised by humming noise from the trunk after switching off the engine.

    Press the DKG selector lever to the right. Unlike the normal M4, the GTS is delivered exclusively with seven-speed dual clutch transmissions. To the left of the selector lever the hand moves to two additional keys. "Comfort", "Sport", "Sport +" - in addition to the characteristic of the servo steering, the throttle pedal curve can also be varied. In the "Sport +" mode, the three-bit biturbo is as scraped, almost poisonous, as if it were stifling any discussion about the "Turboloch". On the race track, especially on the Nordschleife, the middle route is recommended and thus the somewhat more moderate characteristic of the sports mode.

    The GTS unit acts similar to the normal M engine with a suction motor-like power deployment over a wide speed band. The maximum speed remains unchanged at 7500 tours. At the same time, the GTS-Dreiliter is not only subjectively more dynamic and more powerful, but also better in terms of penetration and sprinting. With a perfectly functioning launch control function, the GTS sprints without any significant slippage in 3.9 seconds to 100. After 12.3 seconds the 200 km / h brand history (serial M4: 0-100 km / h in 4.2 s, 0-200 km / h in 13.7 s). The GTS retards with a standard carbon-ceramic brake system, which has been slightly modified in comparison to the M4 at the rear axle. At the front axle the brake ventilation was optimized at the GTS. From 100 km / h, the Hardcore M4 stands at 34.0 meters - only 30 centimeters earlier than the normal M4 with optional carbon-ceramic brake system and Michelin-Pilot Super Sport tires (Supertest 7/2014). Against the background of the M4 GTS's new Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2 tire on larger wheels (front axle: 265/35 R 19 to 9.5 inch, rear axle: 285/30 R 20 to 10.5- Inch) than the normal M4 (255/35 R 19 to 9.0 inches, 275/35 R 19 to 10.0 inches), one would certainly have expected a little more in the delay. Much more important, especially for the race track visit, however, is the successful ABS vote on the new Cup. With all the tuning versions of the M4, which were simply equipped with semislicks, but continued to carry the standard ABS, there were problems with the ABS control at the limit. And with the M4 GTS? Helmet on, out on the small course of Hockenheim. Stop, at the GTS, a little Feintuning is required before visiting the border area. Largely grown persons should first install the shawl seat slightly without a height adjustment or simply remove the seat cushion. After that, you are sitting on the naked seat, not only puristically, but almost as deep as the DTM drivers in their silhouettes M4. With quite as many flips and wings as the current M4, the GTS does not appear, but also the aerodynamics issue plays an important role.

    Aero recalls M3 Sport Evo
    Similar to the legendary BMW E30 M3 Sport Evolution (1989-1990), the M4 GTS also features an adjustable front splitter and an adjustable tailgate. In public road traffic the front splitter is permissible only in a fully inserted position. Likewise, the tail wing must be driven in the shallowest of the three settings.

    For the trip to the race track, BMW recommends adjusting the maximum retracted position on the front splitter. The farther the front splitter is pulled forward, the steeper should be the three-adjustable tail wing. Both for the fast round in Hockenheim and on the north loop, the maximum possible position of the front splitter and the rear wing was chosen. In the case of Porsche GT models, by the way, partly,

    Without the required inserts) on the race track, which is partly not permitted on the road (Cayman GT4). A grauzone, which is allowed on the racetrack. Therefore, the M4 GTS with the maximum possible aerodynamics in the super test is the start.

    Aerobalance is thus decisively changing. In the so-called "road set-up" (entrained splitter, flat tail wing), the GTS has at 200 km / h two kilos of output on the front axle and four kilos of output on the rear axle. With the maximum possible Aero ("race track set-up"), twelve kilos of output at the front axle and 40 kilo of output at the rear axle are produced at 200 km / h. As for aerodynamics, BMW also makes recommendations for the adjustment of the new M4 GTS three-way undercarriage. The factory setting has been adapted for use on the road as well as on the north loop. For flat racing courses like for example the small course in Hockenheim, there is a "base recommendation race track". Accordingly, the set-up has been adapted in terms of height and damping settings (one rebound stage, two pressure stages) (see Technical Spotlight p. 19). Now, however, off into the border area. The slightly better ABS vote than the series M4 had already been discussed. The typical Hockenheim ground shafts also work well when braking. After the first move, you immediately notice that the developers and test drivers have made countless rounds on the Nordschleife, but also on routes like the Kleine Kurs.

    The chassis tuning has been superbly done, and you can feel immediately how much detail work has been invested here. Compared to the series M4, the GTS is even more precise. On load changes it reacts hardly perceptibly and absolutely good-naturedly.

    In the first rounds on the Small Course, one always asks about the reason why one did not go to the gas earlier. Compared to the "normal" M4, the traction of the GTS under load is again significantly better. The electronically controlled lamellae barrier was adapted to the increased performance. M-Typically also the GTS under load easily with the stern. The performance overruns are announced in time and not by accident with light-lubricating rear axles.

    Electromechanical servo control has been revised and re-tuned for the GTS. In the "Sport" (taut) and "Sport +" (even tighter) modes, it scores with a strong hold. The feedback about the center position is precise, and the steering feeling in the border area is authentic.

    The fastest series BMW ever surprised by the small course and placed in the Supertest rank list of Hockenheim between proven sports cars of the caliber of an Audi R8 V10 Plus (1.09.4 min), Porsche 911 GT3 (1.09.6 min) and Nissan GT-R (1.10.0 min). With a lap time of 1.09.6 minutes, the GTS is more than three seconds faster than the normal M4 in the Supertest (1.12.8 min). Hat off, BMW M!

    And on the north loop? Is the round-point plagiarism mentioned in the beginning possible in 7.28 minutes? No, because behind the wheel is not today test driver Jörg Weidinger, who knows the GTS not only of two intimate development years on the north loop, but also several times national and international Bergrennmeister. No, today is rather, the question to clarify how an ambitious amateur with the M4 GTS on the ring klarkommt.

    Reinset, full throttle and immediately a fast lap time? No, the GTS calls for a slightly more time to settle on the northern loop than other athletes. Especially the correct air pressure selection and the conditioning of the cups play an important role. The tire developers have also done a good job, as the GTS is to provide sufficient safety reserves both in the dry on a fast lap and then on the way home with wet amateur drivers.

    This has succeeded. This compromise also reduces the working window in case of dryness. The GTS is not an extremist like the M3 CSL, which with its uncompromising cup rims could be mastered almost exclusively by professionals in the border area and with its tire profile it went home in the 60 km / h snail speed. On the north loop, the GTS-Pneus have to be moderately "moderate". The tire should then "heat up" briefly in the stand. Then the air pressure must be lowered. If the tire temperature on the lap rises to 100 degrees Celsius, the good grip level and the excellent traction are reduced.

    Thanks to aerodynamics and downforce, many high-speed sections (peak before the Swedish cross, sinking foxes, quick Linkknick kettles) can be passed through with full load without problems. On jumpers the GTS lifts off easily, but then lands

    Controllable and stable. In slow to medium speed, the stern is always easy on the north loop under load. In return, however, the front axle is relieved and the lower steering is largely a foreign word. The slightly pushing rear requires however the mentioned acclimatization time. Once the trust is there, it will be fast. Damned fast.

    Even if the GTS in the Supertest does not reach the factory at extreme outside temperatures of 30 degrees with 7.37 minutes, it is phenomenal. Lexus LFA, Ferrari 458 Italia, Corvette ZR1 or Porsche Cayman GT4 - the list of heroes the GTS has left behind on the ring is surprising and long. That deserves the utmost respect! ◾



    The GTS carries a newly developed helical gear. In addition to the vehicle height, the shock absorbers (one rebound stage, two pressure stages) can be adjusted as required. The factory setting (front axle: rebound 6 clicks open, compression stage Lowspeed 3 clicks open, pressure level highspeed 6 clicks open, rear axle: rebound 7 clicks open, pressure level Lowspeed 2 clicks open, pressure level highspeed 7 clicks open) is approved for road traffic But also as a "Nordschleife" vote. On the small course of Hockenheim the basic recommendation for the race track was driven. (Front axle: rebound 4 clicks open, compression stage Lowspeed 2 clicks open, compression stage highspeed 6 clicks open, rear axle: rebound 4 clicks. This is the first time the car has been lowered (minus 15 mm front axle minus 12 mm rear axle) and another damping setting Open, pressure stage Lowspeed 1 click open, pressure stage high speed 9 clicks open).



    Measurement conditions: air temperature 16 ° Celsius, asphalt temperature 19 ° Celsius, air pressure atmosphere 1019 mbar, air pressure tire (front / rear) 2.3 / 2.1 bar (warm)

    14 of maximum 20 points
    The peak of the Michelin-Pilot Sport Cup-2 tire also wants to be used on the small course of Hockenheim. At the latest in the second round, at the latest in the third fast round the round time must be. The tiregrip then tapers off slightly and remains constant at this level. The racetrack adjustment of the threaded landing gear fits perfectly to the layout layout of the narrow sportauto reference range. The GTS steers precisely, is almost immune to load changes, and impresses with even better traction when accelerating out than the basic M4. M-Typically, however, the wing M4 also presses very lightly with the rear (a large driving pass). On the brake, the GTS convinces, even in the wavy braking zones of Hockenheim, with a well-done ABS tuning. As in the case of the downhill braking points on the north loop, the 1601 kilograms can also be felt when braking into the narrow corners of the small course.


    138 km / h

    You will not get rid of the feeling that the electronic helpers can not be completely deactivated and in the background always decently decent. In the case of a quiet driving mode and a small steering angle, the rear axle begins to smear easily in the limit area and then catches without steering corrections. Only when hard transfer the grip then really breaks off, and the use of the driver is in demand.

    1.40 g

    As expected, the BMW M4 GTS (max. 1.4 g) surpasses its M4 base and its E92-GTS predecessor (both 1.3 g) also in terms of transverse acceleration. This is not only the Michelin Cup Sport Cup 2 (Series M4: Michelin Pilot Supersport), but also the very good chassis adjustment of the newly developed three-way coilover.

    159 km / h

    Similar to the 36-meter slalom, the GTS pushes easily with the rear in the evasion test at the limit, without really breaking out. You have to get used to the driving behavior and needs a few attempts. Intuitively, one is too early to counteract and thus brings more unrest into the game. However, the speeds achieved are quite respectable for a 1.6-ton vehicle weight.


    Vehicle face area (A): 2.25 m2
    Air drag coefficient (cW): 0.37
    Air resistance index (cW x A): 0,84

    The newly developed aerodynamics also play a significant role at GTS. While the basic M4 has a buoyancy on both axles at 200 km / h, the GTS generates output on both axles (in the road as well as in the race track setup). The emphasis was on maximum aerodynamics.

    Output front axle at 200 km / h 12 kg
    Output rear axle at 200 km / h 40 kg

    17.3 sec

    Acceleration 0-200 km / h: 12.3 s
    Brakes 200 -0 km / h: 5.0 s
    The total time = addition of both measured values

    Thanks to the perfectly functioning Launch Control, the M4 GTS accelerates smoothly to 200 km / h. BMW's start-up has not always worked as well as now. Also on the brake, the GTS sets a good performance and places itself in the front competition environment.



    Measurement conditions: air temperature 30 ° Celsius, asphalt temperature 34 ° Celsius, atmospheric pressure 1019 mbar, air pressure tire (front / rear) 2.3 / 2.1 bar (warm)


    Length of the track 20.6 km

    SECTOR 1 1.26.8 min
    Start line T13 to the bridge exit Aremberg, 3850 m
    SECTOR 2 1.44.5 min
    Bridge exit Aremberg to Item 122 Exit Ex-Mühle, 4235 m
    SECTOR 3 1.45.6 min
    Item 122 Exit ex-mill until sign Hedwigshöhe exit Hohe Acht, 4825 m
    SECTOR 4 1.55.7 min
    Shield Hedwigshöhe exit High Eight to metal bridge output gallows head, 4846 m
    SECTOR 5 0.44.5 min
    Metal bridge output gallows head to initial target curve old north loop, 2844 m

    15 of maximum 20 points
    I can still remember well the 24th September 2015. At that time I ceded our round-the-clock window on the Nordschleife to BMW. At outside temperatures of 13 degrees, BMW test driver Jörg Weidinger then burned the magnificent record time of 7.28 min into the asphalt. Respect, Jörg, great achievement! At the Supertest round in 7.37 min, the conditions at 30 degrees were anything but ideal. The thermal load was noted to the biturbo, although the water injection gave it all. After two round rounds, the five-tank water tank was almost empty at these temperatures.

    Text Christian Gebhardt · Photos Hans-Dieter Seufert
    A Ram y Gus les gusta esto.
  29. cybermad

    cybermad Clan Leader

    11 Feb 2008
    Me Gusta:
    más p'allá que p'acá
    Z3 2.8 / GR86


    The BMW M4 GTS, which is limited to 700 cars, is now on the start. How does the reigning cross-dynamics champ Porsche 911 GT3 beat the new challenger?

    What BMW simply lacks in its model portfolio is an "Elfer". Porsche has its "Elfer", the 911th Mercedes-AMG has with the GT its "Elfer". Audi has its "Elfer" named R8. Jaguar calls his "Elfer" F-Type. And so on. We could continue the game with other brands and would always come to the same conclusion - only BMW is missing a real sports car. So that the BMW advertising people are still right with their slogan "M - the strongest letter in the world", the developers are required.

    For the motor sport, thick ships like the M6 are turned into pure-bred sportsmen. And in the series, the highly trained mid-class coupé called the BMW M4 GTS is now available - and certainly no lower than the Porsche 911 GT3.

    Intelligent lightweight construction? 1591 kg
    Powerfully impressed the M guys with their published Nordschleife video and the round time of 7:28 minutes. The M4 GTS has so much respect before the start of the test that they were thinking about sending not only a "normal" GT3 in the comparison test but also their precision weapon, called the 911 GT3 RS.

    Hockenheimring, purely into the test procedure: His preliminary blueberries must now justify the M4 GTS against the normal GT3. And at the beginning we also ride with the two wings on the scale we used in Hockenheim. The GT3 in Carraraweiß-Metallic introduces. With 1454 kilos, S-GO 5009 is just 54 kilos lighter than the 991.2 Carrera S, which in the last issue came to the Supertest. For GT3 fans, it might be even less, but the benchmarks are not the GT3 versions, but the supposed opponent from Munich.

    And in terms of weight, the GT3 does not have to worry about the M4 GTS. The new Hardcore Coupé really just does not have any starting numbers and sponsor stickers to make the racing car illusion perfect, but the scales are quickly becoming disillusioned. With 1591 kilos the only available with DKG GTS is only about 20 kilos lighter than a serial M4 with DKG. Without DKG, instead with the hand switch available in the basic model, even a normal M4 then falls below the 1600 kilo mark.

    "Intelligent lightweight construction, consistently implemented," says the GTS press kit - we wanted even less weight. No, dear people, and we are back in the "BMW does not have its own sports car" theme, with intelligent and consistently implemented lightweight construction, the M4 GTS has little to do. Or why is the hardcore model available only with a large navigation system and with air conditioning? Rather, the M developers have done the maximum possible to make the four-version version they are half-way easier. It is clear, however, if the M-makers are allowed to start on a blank sheet of paper without a more or less heavy starting product of the AG-series development, surely something else would come out. For one thing one can definitely not blame the M-Team: missing heart blood in the development.

    In addition to the CFRP roof, which also has the M4 basic version, the GTS has a CFRP engine hood, which saves around 25 percent of the weight compared to the M4 aluminum hood. Caution when closing - also haptically gives the hood a "slight" feedback. If you press them down one-handed with one hand, the material will give way. The M4 GTS features an adjustable carbon tailgate on the tailgate made of CFRP and plastics. The pull-out splitter on the front apron has also been made of carbon in visual optics.

    Door open enough to inspect the bodywork. A small eco-déjà-vu gives, while enterning the GTS interior. The door trim is reminiscent of the recycling equipment of the BMW i3 with its light-weight construction material made from "renewable raw materials". While the i3 interior is as erotic as crocheted underwear, the material suddenly pleases in the sporty environment of the GTS interior.

    Simply pull the door into the carbon-fiber seat, then pull the door at the doorstep and then strap the seatbelt. The last three details, with their typical red-blue M-stripes, are quickly becoming a much sought-after collector's item in the fan scene or call the retrofitters to the scene. Otherwise, the GTS in the interior, next to the newly formed center console and the GTS lettering on the dashboard, but above all because of the missing rear seat bench and the roll bar located there from the 0815-M4. The roll bar is part of the Clubport package, which is available at no extra charge,

    Which also includes six-point belts and a fire extinguisher.

    Wonderful: sawmill up to 9000 / min
    Then, fire-free - before the BMW M4 GTS, however, his transverse dynamics autogram on the Hockenheimer asphalt paint, the boxing jumps once for the reigning championship 991 GT3 on green. Turn the ignition key to the left, pull the PDK selector lever backwards - out on the small course. Do we still have to imagine the 475 HP strong GT3? No, while we give the well-known sports tire of the type Michelin Pilot Sport Cup a warm-up, it is necessary to correct a mistake. In a previous comparison test of 911 GT3, Carrera GTS and Carrera S (sport auto 2/2015) I had originally written that only just over 1000 copies of the 991 GT3 were built. This was a misinformation I had received. From 2013 to 2016 now about 3100 vehicles will be used.

    It would also have been incomprehensible if only so few had succumbed to the passionate boxer-sawmill. Tires tempered, switched down, full throttle. 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000 - hach, is the grandios - 8000, 9000 turns. No matter what the aggregate for technical problems has had in the past or should still have in some cases, you are always in love with the bursting, screaming and jubilant Saugmotorkonzert. At this moment you also know a thousand percent that the new Biturbo three-wheelers in the Carrera models from a technical point of view are certainly more perfect and forward-looking, but in terms of emotion are just miles away from this exceptional high-speed three-aft range. Brake and then switch it down or switch it down - the latter works excellently in the PDK-Sport mode. Even if the automatic shifts of hardcore fans are still anger, for the fastest lap, the selector lever can be left in the "D" position. The driver can not choose the switching time on his own, even when the PDK is running the brakes with brakes. This also applies to the step-up processes when the speed limit is reached. As you already know, today the ceramic brake system shines again - with very good dosing capability and faultless ABS coordination in the border area. I can also remember the almost race-like front-axle excision when turning in. I can remember from the last GT3 test. On load changes and subsequently with too much motivated loads, the GT3 reacted in the last tests however always with tendentially overmotivated rear swing. And today? After the in-the-curve brakes, you no longer have to fear a load change and can load again early. Huch, is here already a new application of the rear axle steering is used, or why suddenly suddenly everything runs smoother? Even today the rear axle remains agile in the absolute limit range, but not quite as pointed as usual. When the brakes are being braked into the Sachs curve or depression, the rear end is still compressed by the load change.

    After a brief counter-steering reaction, the GT3 further asserts the ideal line. Pure pleasure. Although the GT3 running stability is not quite as high as the latest of the new 991.2 Carrera S, the GT3 gives more overall feedback. The somewhat more communicative GT3 steering is much better than the steering of the current Carrera S. But that is a taste.

    Due to the more predictable reactions, the GT3 scores not only subjectively but also objectively measurably. With a lap time of 1.09.2 minutes, S-GO 5009 is already much faster than its predecessors in the very first round, which did not exceed 1.09.6 min (Supertest) and 1.09.5 min.

    Rolling back into the pit lane is a little melancholic - was it the last test ride with the 3.8-liter sucker? According to unconfirmed rumors, the second 991 generation of the GT3 is to come with the 500 hp strong four-liter. In any case, it is certain that you can then choose between PDK and hand switch. According to rumors, there is also a special package without rear wing. The 911 R sends greetings.

    M4 GTS: what traction!
    Enough of the GT3, now his challenger climbs into the ring. The six-cylinder in-line booster is darkened by the exhaust system with a new titanium silencer and the four 80-millimeter-sized tailpipes. When boosted under full load, the exhaust system sounds a bit tinny, but it sounds much better at all times than the somewhat artificial sounding counterpart in the basic M4. The three-horsepower equipped with an additional water injection in the M4 GTS now provides 69 hp more and comes at a rated output of 500 hp. Turbocharger For the direct comparison in terms of gas intake, the M4 of course with the suction engine GT3 is greedy, no, almost snappy

    Spontaneously reacting to accelerator pedal movements, but the GTS throttle can be seen especially in the sport plus mode. The throttle can be adjusted by means of a switch on the M4 center console.

    After the first fast laps is immediately clear: It could have quietly also 600 PS may be. Do not misunderstand, the M4 GTS is definitely not under-powered, and its rudder goes bearable, but the grandiose chassis tuning would even more powerfully put away. The GTS carries a specially tuned three-way helical gear system in which both the tension and compression stages can be mechanically adjusted. In addition, the bar and support bearings have been modified.

    In a direct comparison, the steering behavior of the 911 GT3 is even more greedy, but also for the M4 GTS is under control a foreign word. He uses directional commands even more consistently than the M4 basic model. The feedback of the steering in the GTS is not quite as sharp as in the GT3. The steering angle requirement in the BMW is slightly larger. The holding forces are pleasantly tight in the "Sport" or "Sport Plus" characteristics. All in all, BMW steering is one of the direct examples of its electromechanical guild.

    The GT3 rear axle is clearly sharper than the M4 GTS. Or else: The M4 remains neutral for a long time and is almost immune to changes in load changes. With a fantastic traction, the hardcore BMW animatedly accelerates from curve to curve. The rear is pressed only in the absolute limit range. The overloading of performance does not announce itself in the manner of a surprise, but in a good-natured manner.

    The phenomenal grip level and the high mechanical grip not only contribute to the successful tuning of the chassis, but also to the first-ever use of Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2 sports tires. Important: The tuning of the ABS control system of the carbon-ceramic brake system, which is standard in the GTS and is slightly modified for the over-M4, is also perfectly suited to the cup ripening. Whether on ground waves in the braking zones or when braking into the curve, the GTS brake convinces at any time with very good dosing capability and a strong deceleration.

    The fact that the M4 GTS has not only improved mechanical grip, but also improved its aerodynamics, thanks to the telescopic splitter and the triple-adjustable tail wing, is shown in Hockenheim, especially in the transverse section. At 187 km / h he moves in the fast linksknick at the super sports car level.

    911 GT3 pilots should not underestimate the wing M4 when it appears in their rear-view mirror. With a lap time of 1.09.6 minutes, the GTS is not only the fastest BMW series of all time on the small circuit in Hockenheim, but also underbids the basic M4 by about three seconds.

    If the Porsche PDK excelled, as in today's test, an incomplete day with a bit too much starting slip, then 911 GT3 and M4 GTS are equal in speed. No, it is not a pressure error that both counterparties have exactly the same acceleration values up to 200 km / h. With the standard brake measurement from 100 km / h the GT3 in 33.3 meters stands only 70 centimeters earlier than the M4 GTS. In the slalom, BMW and Porsche are just 0.5 km / h, in favor of the 911 GT3.

    Even if the Porsche has its nose in the target just before the new hero from Munich has, today more than ever the following conclusion: Rarely a BMW was as much sports car as the M4 GTS - over a real M1 successor, we would nevertheless be very happy. ◾


    Did you notice something? I have not mentioned the BMW M3 CSL so far. A good sign. Until now, it has always been complained that the CSL does not have a legitimate successor. His direct successor M3 GTS (E92) could never really convince. This time is now definitely over. The CSL remains sure of its hero status forever with its emotional slave engine, but the M4 GTS leaves the CSL clear with its outstanding performance values from a cross-dynamical point of view. In addition, the M4 GTS also manages to cover its rather high weight of almost 1600 kilos very well. On the small course of Hockenheim he is on the same level as the 137 kilos lighter Porsche 911 GT3. Respect! The anticipation for the Supertest was never as great as today.

    Text Christian Gebhardt · Photos Hans-Dieter Seufert
    A Gus le gusta esto.
  30. Sechs

    Sechs CEO DOS CFA Moderador Miembro del Club

    24 Abr 2006
    Me Gusta:
    Fardier Cugnot
    Esto se ha puesto a un nivel que poquísimos conductores pueden asimilar, ni siquiera los buenos. A mi con la mitad de prestación ya me sobraría coche por todas partes.
    A Navero y Gus les gusta esto.

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